Huckstorf Diesel 1992-2002 6.5L Chevy Turbo Marine Performance Injector
This injector has been used successfully in all 1992-2002 GM 6.5L turbo engines to give an increase of 40 to 50 horsepower. The power difference is felt mostly in the midrange of the power band. It uses fine threads on the body. It measures 2.875 or 2 7/8 inches tall. This injector is completely rebuilt using a new Bosch nozzle tip and set to precise specifications for opening pressure and performance. Don’t settle for aftermarket copies, these injectors are the real thing!
Core Charge Instructions
Click on the drop down list to see the price of the remanufactured injector with the core charge applied. To avoid paying the core charges a matching core must be received prior to the exchange being sent out; otherwise we will charge you for the core and refund you the core price if a matching core is received within thirty days of purchase.
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